Discover the basic operation of the app in the video

Experience the intuitive and easy application of MARY by sticklett

In the home view you always have an overview of how your child is doing, through the different vital symbols

The home button and power status indicator of the ladybug.

Info-Button und Energie-Zustandsanzeige vom Marienkäfer.

  • The home button always takes you back to the home view. The outer ring indicates how much energy the ladybug still has.

  • The home button always takes you back to the home view. The outer ring indicates how much energy the ladybug still has.

  • The home button always takes you back to the home view. The outer ring indicates how much energy the ladybug still has.

  • The home button always takes you back to the home view. The outer ring indicates how much energy the ladybug still has.

Die unterschiedlichen Verbindungszustände von MARY by sticklett werden stets links vom Home-Button angezeigt. Sie helfen dabei, den aktuellen Betriebsstatus zu verstehen und mögliche Probleme schnell zu erkennen.

temperature monitoring

Die Bedeutung der Temperatur Symbole

  • temperature in the normal range

    Temperature is between 35°C and set threshold

  • Increased temperature

    Set threshold was exceeded

  • Fever

    Very high temperature detected or rapid temperature rise detected

Fever in babies and toddlers. What is a febrile seizure?

At what point is body temperature considered to be a cause for concern and what should be done in an emergency? Causes and Symptoms of Febrile Seizures

Historical values

Tap on the thermometer in the app to get a daily view of all recorded temperature values. You can switch to other daily views by selecting the date.

The same applies to all other vital symbols.

Discover in the video how to zoom in the diagram

set alarms

  • symbol for alarms

    Alternatively, you can access the alarm settings via the menu or by tapping the baby picture.

  • green - active / red - inactive

    Activate and deactivate alarms according to your personal needs

  • Schwellwert

    Lege fest, ab welcher Temperatur du einen Alarm erhalten möchtest.


Du kannst die Lautstärke der Alarme mit der Medienlautstärke deines Smartphones regeln.

Respiratory monitoring

The lung symbol gives you information about the recorded breathing movements on the chest

  • breathing detected

    The green lung indicates that sufficient respiratory movements have been detected in the chest.

  • no respiratory movement detected

    The red lung signals that too little movement has been detected across the chest for more than 20 seconds and therefore breathing may have stopped for too long.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Risk Factors, Causes

The revolutionary baby monitor function

The intelligent movement algorithm recognises whether your child is asleep, awake, crying or standing up quietly, purely by their movement behaviour.

  • child is sleeping

  • Baby is awake or crying

  • Child has stood up and is moving

  • Activate baby monitor function

    • Alarm when child sits up or stands up
    • Alarm when child is awake or actively moving

Der intelligente Bewegungsalgorithmus ist individuell auf dein Kind abstimmbar


The silent danger while you are sleeping...